Rom Kernel Reference Manual WIP
Authors: Camilla Boemann, Jason SteadYears of publishing: 2021
Notes: The RKRM (for OS3.2) on this page is a WIP project. Saving versioning, and making the manual available during work.
![]() ROM Kernel Reference Manual Changes & Additions 2021-12-26
yay π
Thanks for the continuing work on the Amiga operating systems. In addition to still using ARP 1.3 in one system, I am also using OS 3.2, as well as OS 3.9. I still use the Amiga regularly, and am impressed at how reliable OS was from the beginning.
In the early Amiga days, I switched to the Amiga Replacement Program 1.3 OS, which was written in machine code and was available on the Fred Fish Disks.
What a great computer, even today.
yes, many thanks. now i have more time near retirement i want to get back to the first compute ri ever owned, and this will help greatly. now if i could find a replacement copy of Delphi Noetics F-Basic V5.0 – i lost that and really want that back.
This is fantastic. However some guides on build environments might be useful. For example SAS/C 6.58 required me copying over the include_h and lib files from the 3.2 NDK before the first example would compile.
The book is still a work in progress, but I’ll pass pass it along to the authors. π
Yes there is definitely a need for such information, however we are thinking of another medium for such topics – stay tuned
Any news of this medium and where to find updates of this book?
This is the current version of the book, no newer version is available.
Hi Camilla and co great work on everything – but it would be great to have a OS3.2 SDK similar to the OS4 one, one that installs everything you need, and more importantly installs them in a standardised location, so that when people are collaborating on projects, it’s an easy process to be sure everyone has the same toolchain, same versions of compilers, same configurations
Hi yes, we might get around to that eventually.
Any chance you can generate a ToC so PDF’s reader’s can display them in the sidebar?
Also, what happened to all the other example sources from the NDK? The last one I owned was 2.1 and it had examples for other libs not just exec.
I’ve played around with it a few times but it is not so easy. to get the right look and feel. And it is an extra step in the release process that I have to remember. I’ll try and remember next time.
NDK 2.1 was done in a different time, and to an extent we are recreating instead of creating from scratch. But it is our intention to eventually make a great package with lots of goodies.
So, you’re not using LaTeX then? Pretty easy with that. Surely it can’t be that hard with AsciiDoc? Or are you using something else?
Also, Do you have the sources to the original C= docs? Any reason why the tripOS programming chapter wasn’t included in the AmigaDOS manual? This wouldn’t have required the guru book to be required to write dos handlers bitd, imo.
No defintely not LaTeX. We are using GoogleDoc as we are collaborating several people. In the end we might export it and do a nicer layout and add a table of contents. But for now collaboration is the most important.
I am not sure if we have the original sources or not. It is irrelevant anyway as I don’t have the rights to so can’t use it for anything. And your question about AmigaDOS manual I don’t know the answer to either. But even back then rights to the book manuscripts were in contention so that may have played a part, but that is pure guessing.
Yeah, that’s not a good idea. Any particular reason why a github repo with asciidoc wasn’t used?