Category Archives: Manuals
Amiga 2000 Addendum and PC 20 Important notice
EPYX FastLoad Instructions / Getting Started
VIC-20 Switcable 16K and 32K Ram Packs
VIC20 Using the 3K, 8K and 16K Memory Expandables
Word Perfect Printing Guide
Tekno Amiga (Danish)
Tekno Amiga – Danish version of the manuals, thanks to Jan Charington Klein. This set is quite unique and most likely rare – I’ve recently acquired a set without box and manuals thinking it would probably be the only leftovers in existance in Denmark, luck would have it that a complete set recently appeared and was bought by a friend.
Box and software will appear on this site on a later date.
Some pictures of the box can be seen here.
e5frog has also recently made the Swedish version available.