Dansk Amos Bruger Gruppe

diskette_thumbPeter Jørgensen and Jan Normann Nielsen has been so kind to make their copies of DABG (Danish Amos User Group) available.

Disk 5 has bad blocks, so I’m still on the lookout for this one.

Disk 10 is missing the original label, so this one is missing as well.

As far as they are concerned there has been no more releases than # 11.

For now there are no fancy pages so a download listing is sufficient.

Het Grote AmigaBasic Boek (Dutch)

DataBecker_Het_Grote_AmigaBasic-Boek_(nl)The big AmigaBasic book in Dutch from Data Becker.

I promised Richard Lagendijk that I’d add some dutch books not long ago, here you go mate 🙂

Richard manages a Commodore site with news, articles, and amongst other stuff, info of many of the books made in Dutch -this one is there somewhere too- There might be other languages there, but I haven’t looked through them all.